A long-standing war between humans and monsters exists in Undertale, one which led to monsters being driven underground and forming their own society. Monsters have spent generations yearning to escape so they may find freedom and peace. Download and play Undertale video game now on Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista and XP PC.
When a human child falls underground by accident, the child becomes the one hope monsters have of leaving the place they are trapped. The player controls this child and decides through their actions and based on their morals what the fate of monsterkind will be.
Undertale enables the player to experience what games could be like if they embraced a real-world sense of morality about killing through the use of expressive elements that remind the player of their own sense of morality, as well as emotionally-loaded rewards and punishments for killing and not killing.
This game is different from many others in that most of the time games that contain violence do not include any sort of motivational ambiguity on the part of the protagonist, and only sometimes on the part of the player.
Undertale Game Details: | |
File Name | Undertale Game |
File Size | 400 MB |
Version | Full Version |
License Type | Free |
Operating System | Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP (32- bit or 64-bit) |
File Format | .RAR |
Language Support | English |
Developer | Toby Fox |
Category | Windows PC Games |